
Apex Inspections meets the highest standards of NDT testing

Industry-leading certifications for quality and compliance

Apex Inspections recognizes that certifications are the foundation of trust in nondestructive testing (NDT) and nondestructive inspections (NDI). Properly certified personnel and processes prove inspections meet rigorous safety and quality standards across critical industries. Whether your focus is aerospace, petrochemical, or structural applications, our certifications provide the assurance that our NDT services align with the highest industry standards.

Other Certifications Held

Beech Structural Inspection and Repair Manual (SIRM)

Certified for inspections and repairs on Beech aircraft according to SIRM guidelines

Dassault-Falcon MCI

Approval to conduct maintenance and inspections on Dassault-Falcon aircraft

Honeywell Engine Experienced

Accredited in Honeywell engine inspection and maintenance for safety and performance compliance

Lockheed-Martin NDI

Certified to conduct NDIs for Lockheed-Martin products, ensuring structural integrity to meet both military and commercial standards

Northrump Grumman

Approved to administer specialized inspections, upholding Northrop Grumman’s quality and compliance standards

Pratt & Whitney Experienced

Certified in Pratt & Whitney engine maintenance, verifying high performance and safety standards

Texas Radiography Certified 

Licensed to perform radiography inspections in Texas, meeting state safety and compliance regulations

Questions about our certifications?

Contact us to learn more about the certifications Apex Inspections holds and how they align with industry standards. Fill out the form, and our representative will reach out to you.

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